Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Teen Pregnancy in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teen Pregnancy in the United States - Essay Example The focus of the article then moves on to the steps that could be taken in order to ensure that this issue is dealt with in the most effective manner. It is seen that a multi-dimensional approach is necessary to find out the best solution to the problems related to teenage pregnancy in the United States. Not only there is the need for a more comprehensive educational plan, there is also the need to introduce programs that support the further education and the career of the adolescent mother. In addition, support is also necessary for the mother to understand how to raise the child. The article concludes by discussing the need for a combination of the programs so that there is a comprehensive method to prevent both teenage pregnancies and to support adolescent mothers. Adolescent pregnancy has become a social issue that attracts a very high level of attention because the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy among the industrialized countries. The rate of teen pregnancy in the US is almost double of that of Great Britain and over 10 times that of Japan (, 2005). Therefore, it is no longer an issue that concerns just the teenager and the family, but it has become a social issue that has larger implications and repercussions that has the local and national impact. The peak period for teenage pregnancies was during the early 1990s when the teenage birth rate was over 60 births per 1000 women. Over a period, this rate has come down slowly. During 2006, this number reduced to 41.9 births per 1000 women (, 2006). Researchers feel that there are two main reasons for this high rate of teenage pregnancy. One is that the age of menarche is now much lower than what it has been before. This results in an increase in sexual activity without the awareness of its consequences at a much earlier age, resulting in teenage pregnancy (Kaplowitz, 2006).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Tootsie Roll Paper Essay Example for Free

Tootsie Roll Paper Essay Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. Loan Package The financial statement of Tootsie Roll Industries provides insightful details into the  financial activities of the decades old organization. A financial statement is the â€Å"summary report that shows how a firm has used the funds entrusted to it by its stockholders and lenders, and what is its current financial position† (Financial statement, 2012). The company is known for products such as Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie Roll Pops, Caramel Apple Pops, Child’s Play, Charms, Blow Pop, Blue Razz, Cella’s chocolate covered cherries, Mason Dots, Mason Crows, Junior Mints, Junior Caramels, Charleston Chew, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Babies, Andes, Fluffy Stuff cotton candy, Dubble Bubble, Razzles, CryBaby, Nik-L-Nip and El Bubble (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, p. A-2, 2009). Strong financial statements aid Tootsie Roll Industries in the submission of a loan package to increase company’s total liabilities by 10%. A loan package requires research to ensure that all details are met as well as a ratio analysis of liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios. The company must justify the reason for the need of the loan, such as expansion, inventory purchases, or debt retirement. Finally, Tootsie Roll Industries must provide an explanation of how the company plans to use the proceeds from the loan as well as how loan approval might affect the company. â€Å"A loan package is the collection of documents associated with a specific loan application† (Loan package, 2012). Loan packages are instrumental in the startup and growth of many small businesses because it provides initial funding and support. The process begins typically with a cover letter, which  includes the business background, business nature, loan amount, loan purpose, repayment terms, loan benefits, business profile, and management experience (U.S. Small Business Association, n.d.). The borrower must provide proper documentation including Form 4: Application for Business Loan, Form 4-a: Schedule of  Personal History, Form 1624: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions, and Form 1846: Statement Regarding Lobbying (U.S. Small Business Association, n.d.). Lenders and borrowers must work together in order to apply for the most applicable loan to the business. According to U.S. Small Business Association (n.d.), â€Å"Borrowers should provide complete financial statements for the last three years including balance sheets, income statements, and a reconciliation of net worth as well as a current (no more than 90 days old) interim financial statement† (Business Financial Statements). The borrower must also provide projections to the creditor. The projections predict a year out or the positive flow of cash, which includes earnings, expenses, and the reasons behind the projections (U.S. Small Business Association, n.d.). The borrow should include documentation to assist in the predications such as contracts of lease proposals, franchise agreements, purchase agreements, articles of incorporation, plans, specifications, copies of licenses, letters of reference, letters of intent, and contracts partnership agreement (U.S. Small Business Association, n.d.). If the borrower does not provide the proper documentation to the creditor, then the borrower is not likely to receive loan approval. Financial statements are key supporting documents to the loan package.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Horrifying Effects of a Senseless War :: essays papers

Horrifying Effects of a Senseless War Dirty Work is an irresistible debut novel from one of the greatest novelist in American literature today. Throughout each chapter, Larry Brown creatively changes the narrator between the two main characters, which works magnificently. He is bold and decisive in his telling of two disabled individuals being tormented by the physical and emotional hell they withstand in the everlasting Vietnam. Braiden Chainey has no arms or legs due to a machine gun (73). Walter James, thanks to a rocket grenade, no longer has his face (66). As they lay side by side in their separate beds in a V.A. hospital 22 years later, their wounds still ache. These two Mississippians, one white and one black, tell each other their horrendous stories. One by one, they take turns describing the details of their lives and the outcome wanted for their future. Many old themes of literature are invoked in this astonishing tale of hatred, emotion, vengeance, and even passion. Their vivid memories portray the true reality of how that horrifying war gave the veterans the unforgettable long-term effects. Dirty Work is an extraordinary novel, which continuously shows the harsh realities of a powerful war. The two main characters in this novel are compelling. Every feature and emotion mentioned about each individual are so realistic that they are unforgettable. From their family background to their scars of war, each and every aspect is told with such detail and brilliance that the story almost comes to life. Brown utilizes southern slang to the greatest. When Braiden and Walter speak to each other, they perfectly mimic the mistakes and shortenings of everyday southern speech. Most of the dialect indicates brilliantly the way that people whom the author might have encountered at times in his life may have spoken. In one passage, Walter speaks with a nurse, showing their strong southern culture coming out through speech: â€Å"Where’d you learn that song?† â€Å"Known that all my life, So you one of them Missippi boys, huh?† â€Å"Nothing but.† (114) Dirty Work is strongly in the tradition of a classic war book with some southern heritage.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Business Communication

During the exam you are not allowed to open your references. B. Please answer the following questions in the form of essay which consists of introductory paragraph, detail and example, and concluding paragraph). 1.Effective communication strengthens the connection between a company and all its stakeholders, those groups affected in some way by the company’s actions: customers, employers, stakeholders, suppliers, neighbors, the community, and the nation. Conversely, when communication breakdown, the results can be anything from time wasting to the tragic event. How can a lack of shared experience between sender and receiver result in communication failures? 2. The way you conduct yourself and interact with others can have a profound influence on your company’s success and your career.Because of your excellent communication skills, for example, your boss always asks you to write his reports for him but when the CEO complimenting him on his logical organization and clear w riting style, your boss responds as if he’d written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choice does your boss’s response represent? What can you do in this situation? Explain your solution and your reasoning. 3. Every month, each employee in your department is expected to give oral presentation on the status of your group project.One member of the group, however, has a severe speech impediment that prevents people from understanding most of what he has to say. As the department manager, how will you resolve this dilemma? Is it possible for you to use non-verbal communication? Please explain. 4. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, a category of software that helps companies manage their interactions with customers. What are the factors to be considered when choosing visual media like CRM for your business communication? PS: Maximum score is 25 for each question including paragraph structure, sentence tructure, coherence, spelling, and choice of word. ——————–oOo————— Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then will decodes the information before he/she gives feedback to the sender. Of course, some interference can appear in any forms and disturb the process of communication itself. When a process of communication doesn’t run properly, it is called communication breakdown and it is very common.In any communication model, interference of a communication model is called noise. There are many examples of noise, such as: environmental noise, physiological-impairment noise, semantic noise, syntactical noise, organizational noise, cultural noise, and psychological noise. The lack of shared experience of communication between the sender and the receiver could be classified as semantic, syntactical, organizational, or cultural noise. Semantic noise means the sender and the receiver have different interpretations of the meanings of certain words.For example, the word â€Å"weed† could be interpreted as undesired plants on your yard or as marijuana. Syntactical noise is a form of noise where certain grammatical mistakes appear and disrupt communication. This kind of noise usually appears when the language that is used in the communication process is not the mother language of one or more parties of the process. Poorly structured communication can prevent the receiver from accurate interpretations. When this happens, it is called organizational noise.For example, when a manager teaching his/her subordinates how to use a new tool for their works, but he/she is not telling them in a well structured form of communication, it can make the subordinates more confused about the new tool. The last one is cultural noise. This happens when the receiver and the sender came from different cultural background. Fo r instance, wishing a Moslem â€Å"Merry Christmas† could be offending for him/her. The process of communication does not always run well. Some interference can appear and disrupt the process.Therefore, we should learn the effective way of communication so that we can avoid the interference and conduct an effective way of communication. In business or in working environment, there are some rules that should be obeyed so we won’t hurt someone else’s feelings or take the rights of others. This set of rules is called business ethics. However, to determine whether an act is ethical or not is, sometimes, not easy. From the example given in the question, I don’t have any trouble to say that it is unethical. My boss claimed my works as his/hers and that simply violated my intelligence rights.There are some options can be taken to deal with this case, but I have my own way to deal with this. If I were in that position, I would just complain to him/her right away. Tell him/her that I didn’t like what he/she was doing but in a most nice and most polite ways. I don’t think he/she would fire me because he/she needed me. I was good at making reports and if he/she fired me, it wouldn’t be that easy to find someone else with the same skill. In working environment, we should always ensure that our acts are ethical. Even when someone else does unethical acts toward us, we should solve the problem with the most ethical way.By ensuring that every act that we conduct is ethical, it will not only make a good working environment but also shows us who we really are. In the process of communication, some interference can appear and disrupt the process. This interference is called noise. There are many kind of noise, such as: environmental noise, physiological-impairment noise, semantic noise, syntactical noise, organizational noise, cultural noise, and psychological noise. From the example given in the question, it is classified as phy siological-impairment noise.It means he/she has physical maladies that prevent effective communication. In this case: speech impediment. If I were the manager, I would try to help him with his/her speech problem. However, if it were impossible to help him/her with the problem, I would give him/her the work that required less speaking or the more technical part. I would leave him the part that deals with counting, graphs, etc. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects.It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes, principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. One of the factors that should be considered when using CRM is the tools could be complicated. The tools itself are usually limited. So, when using CRM as the company’s strategy, we should ensure that we have t he right processes, the right people, and the right strategy Business Communication Therefore, the company should develop consistency and extensive plan in order to commit their operational, strategic, financial and transactional problems. According to the Matthew Walker, in this situation, the first step should be communication proactively to limit surprises and build the credibility and trust. It does not mean that company should disclose every financial part; however the trust is the critical. The healthy business requires the healthy community. Also, there should contribution in creating and maintenance.Certainly, the public wants to know about companies, organizations. Lewis (2010) states that, corporate social responsibility becomes the â€Å"buzzword† from the boardroom to the living room by growing media coverage dealing with such issues as corporate governance and environmental responsibility. Professionally, this rise In awareness of the term CARS has created a new fashion in business management (Jackson, 2001). Many academics, corporate stakeholder s and Government are calling on large and small corporations to adopt CARS orientated approaches to business.It helps to communicate with stakeholders effectively. Inefficient or poor communication often demonstrates incomplete planning, unrealistic deadlines and budgets. Every company needs to communicate often and effectively in order to know about the processes of future plans, mission and vision. According to the study, which was conducted by IT managers of French computer manufacturers, 57 % of project failures were because of the poor communication. The main reason is that inability to clearly state their expectations to the stakeholders.Moreover, the good communication is not one-size fits all technique. Firstly, every company should pay attention to the diplomatic transparency and sensitivity to their pacific work styles. For instance, some people need regular data and constant updates while others need high level directives and knowing just specific details. Also, it is ver y important knowing and having the correct tools and skills to reach the main goal of the company. There is no doubt that, miscommunication can creates hard feeling which might remain undetected for a long time.Every employee should prepare a formal communication strategy in order to define the exact expectations from stakeholders. Also, it is extremely necessary to write about the ideas, issues, insights and information. In addition, there should be shown the statistics and should be presented to the stakeholders. It helps to prove the works which were done already. Also, one of the best ways to avoiding the conflicts with stakeholders is writing the memos. This can be as simple as stating needs of company in a few sentences or as complex as writing out your list of objectives.It is useful to define the core objectives with measurable parameters of the company. Furthermore, each of your various project stakeholders their own agenda and goals. The company's executive team should sub mit the particular information and a different communication style in the day-to-day details of delivery. Usually, stakeholders want to see more of the summarized review. In order to balance the various needs of communication, there should be the connection between risk and risk mitigation actions. It is very important for external stakeholders.If a risk can be mitigated by adjustments with the control of the company then it probably doesn't need to bubble up to team. Also, the communication about the risk with the stakeholders can be tricky, because this group, usually, is unfamiliar with the details Of the company. In order to succeed, company should fully explain the concepts without using the company's jargon's in the message. Also, it helps to show the benefits to gain acceptance. The company should meet with the stakeholder to discuss the plan together and maintain positive relationships.Nowadays, the several marketing techniques can be used to facilitate this process, which h elps to promote this in effective way. The majority of companies use the type of the messaging with stakeholders. According to the Schultz(2006), companies prefer using the minimal release kind of communication with stakeholders. This finding shows that suggestion by the web-based content is the most effective way of reaching the goal. With the respect to CARS the centre management bell ivied that the various messages where they can communicate across various means generated the benefits to the company, organization.Moreover, the clear structured message to the stakeholder whether it will be transmitted via print or shown on company's website will become effective to settle down the goals. The details should be written in the message carefully. Also, it can be provided in different formats. Sometimes, there will be necessary to translate the documents in order to understand, because many types of specific words in the technology changed. Therefore, effective communication may requir e the translating of technical and financial jargon.Also, in writing the message to stakeholders it is very important to explain the technical issues in terms that non-experts can understand. In addition, politicians and the public can make their decisions. One of terms of company can be provided by the using the glossary of company. In conclusion, certainly the poor message with the lack of information in the intent has the negative impact on the company. Communication is the complicated process of sharing and exchanging information, knowledge, feeling and experience.It is important to write the report to stakeholders with the specific details and expectations in order to obtain the company's good reputation. The communication principles, which relates to the management of company are important to define clear organizational structured communication. It will demonstrate the high-performing organizations, where all employees respect communication principles. Also, it can show the hi gh degree of trust between team members. The effective business communication consists of the accurate communication in particular message, where the stakeholder can understand this correctly.One of the important things of the communication with the stakeholder is not confusing and misinforming with the information. Therefore, the corporate policy should be strictly checked. All of us know that the aim of corporate communication is to managing perceptions through the positive corporate brand, transparent relationship with all stakeholders. That's why the nature of corporate communication is one of the necessary facts of the successful impasses, because it helps to consider and notice the intersection between the level and perception of the every company. Business Communication Therefore, the company should develop consistency and extensive plan in order to commit their operational, strategic, financial and transactional problems. According to the Matthew Walker, in this situation, the first step should be communication proactively to limit surprises and build the credibility and trust. It does not mean that company should disclose every financial part; however the trust is the critical. The healthy business requires the healthy community. Also, there should contribution in creating and maintenance.Certainly, the public wants to know about companies, organizations. Lewis (2010) states that, corporate social responsibility becomes the â€Å"buzzword† from the boardroom to the living room by growing media coverage dealing with such issues as corporate governance and environmental responsibility. Professionally, this rise In awareness of the term CARS has created a new fashion in business management (Jackson, 2001). Many academics, corporate stakeholder s and Government are calling on large and small corporations to adopt CARS orientated approaches to business.It helps to communicate with stakeholders effectively. Inefficient or poor communication often demonstrates incomplete planning, unrealistic deadlines and budgets. Every company needs to communicate often and effectively in order to know about the processes of future plans, mission and vision. According to the study, which was conducted by IT managers of French computer manufacturers, 57 % of project failures were because of the poor communication. The main reason is that inability to clearly state their expectations to the stakeholders.Moreover, the good communication is not one-size fits all technique. Firstly, every company should pay attention to the diplomatic transparency and sensitivity to their pacific work styles. For instance, some people need regular data and constant updates while others need high level directives and knowing just specific details. Also, it is ver y important knowing and having the correct tools and skills to reach the main goal of the company. There is no doubt that, miscommunication can creates hard feeling which might remain undetected for a long time.Every employee should prepare a formal communication strategy in order to define the exact expectations from stakeholders. Also, it is extremely necessary to write about the ideas, issues, insights and information. In addition, there should be shown the statistics and should be presented to the stakeholders. It helps to prove the works which were done already. Also, one of the best ways to avoiding the conflicts with stakeholders is writing the memos. This can be as simple as stating needs of company in a few sentences or as complex as writing out your list of objectives.It is useful to define the core objectives with measurable parameters of the company. Furthermore, each of your various project stakeholders their own agenda and goals. The company's executive team should sub mit the particular information and a different communication style in the day-to-day details of delivery. Usually, stakeholders want to see more of the summarized review. In order to balance the various needs of communication, there should be the connection between risk and risk mitigation actions. It is very important for external stakeholders.If a risk can be mitigated by adjustments with the control of the company then it probably doesn't need to bubble up to team. Also, the communication about the risk with the stakeholders can be tricky, because this group, usually, is unfamiliar with the details Of the company. In order to succeed, company should fully explain the concepts without using the company's jargon's in the message. Also, it helps to show the benefits to gain acceptance. The company should meet with the stakeholder to discuss the plan together and maintain positive relationships.Nowadays, the several marketing techniques can be used to facilitate this process, which h elps to promote this in effective way. The majority of companies use the type of the messaging with stakeholders. According to the Schultz(2006), companies prefer using the minimal release kind of communication with stakeholders. This finding shows that suggestion by the web-based content is the most effective way of reaching the goal. With the respect to CARS the centre management bell ivied that the various messages where they can communicate across various means generated the benefits to the company, organization.Moreover, the clear structured message to the stakeholder whether it will be transmitted via print or shown on company's website will become effective to settle down the goals. The details should be written in the message carefully. Also, it can be provided in different formats. Sometimes, there will be necessary to translate the documents in order to understand, because many types of specific words in the technology changed. Therefore, effective communication may requir e the translating of technical and financial jargon.Also, in writing the message to stakeholders it is very important to explain the technical issues in terms that non-experts can understand. In addition, politicians and the public can make their decisions. One of terms of company can be provided by the using the glossary of company. In conclusion, certainly the poor message with the lack of information in the intent has the negative impact on the company. Communication is the complicated process of sharing and exchanging information, knowledge, feeling and experience.It is important to write the report to stakeholders with the specific details and expectations in order to obtain the company's good reputation. The communication principles, which relates to the management of company are important to define clear organizational structured communication. It will demonstrate the high-performing organizations, where all employees respect communication principles. Also, it can show the hi gh degree of trust between team members. The effective business communication consists of the accurate communication in particular message, where the stakeholder can understand this correctly.One of the important things of the communication with the stakeholder is not confusing and misinforming with the information. Therefore, the corporate policy should be strictly checked. All of us know that the aim of corporate communication is to managing perceptions through the positive corporate brand, transparent relationship with all stakeholders. That's why the nature of corporate communication is one of the necessary facts of the successful impasses, because it helps to consider and notice the intersection between the level and perception of the every company. Business Communication Assignment # 05 Business Communication Topic: short / informal reports categories and formats of reports IN RESPECT OF: Sir Hamid Nawaz Sb. SUBMITTED BY: MUHAMMAD JAVED IQBAL AISH MBA 1st Semester Section (A) DEPARTMENT OF ADMINSTRATIVE SCIENCES QUAID-I-AZAM UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD What is report? An orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business purpose. What is short report? The short report consists of a title page and the report text normally. Like most of the less formal report forms, the short report may be organized in either the direct order or indirect order. But the direct order is more common. This plan begins with a quick summary of report including the conclusions and recommendations. Because many organization heavily depend upon the short reports. There are many varieties written for the different purposes. Some companies have their particular report forms. There are many types of short reports but we will define three of them only, as follows: 1. Routine operational reports: The majority of the reports written within the companies are routine reports that informs to the supervisors, top managers and other employees of the organization about the company’s all activities. These reports can be for daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. It depends upon the work nature that if sufficient task like all the policy making rules have to define then it will be in more concise form that every one can understand easily. For the various purposes we can use this form of report. For example the production data, the data of loyal customers etc. The formation of this type of repot varies from company to company and managers to manager. The content / format of this report: ? The name comes from the fact that what is inside the report and it must be written with in 15 minutes. That’s why we define its name first of all so that this name clearly defined the required information efficiently and on time. Most of the organizations define some standard for the short operation report because managers don’t have sufficient time to write on the daily or monthly basis by defining its whole format. So they define a standard that these contents must include in the report so that reader can understand easily. ? The findings of a particular sample must be given in a chronological order so that readers can understand quickly. And must use the appropriate headings if required any. ? In the end of routine report just put the summary, which may include or not according to the data required. 2. Progress reports: This report review progress on an activity. This report focuses on the progress toward a specific goal. If someone is working on a project under the supervision of a boss then he or she must have to write a progress report for that project to his or her immediate boss or manager to show the progress of that project that work is on the track. Progress report can be formal or informal depending on the work nature. But most are informal and narrative. And one important factor which must use in this report that is subject i. e. â€Å"I† or â€Å"we†. If we are using the word â€Å"I† in the progress report that â€Å"I have done all this† then it shows really negative behavior and â€Å"we† shows the best motivation tool in the progress report. The format / content of this report: ? Describe the purpose and nature of the project first. ? Present a summary of work already completed. Describe work currently in the progress including personnel, methods. ? Forecast future activities related to the project. ? In the end include recommendations and request. 3. Recommendation reports: A recommendation report is a detailed report submitted to readers who are usually in a high management position, like as, supervisors, top managers, head of departments, buyers of company, and elected officials, to a ccept or reject the writer’s plan or choose from among their recommendations. Purpose of the recommendation report: The main purpose and theme of this report is to present a carefully created, well-supported proposal for application of the research which we have conducted. The report will define ways to apply findings to the problem which we have investigated. If the report is accepted then it t can lead to improve functioning conditions, a more competent and cost-effective business or supplementary jobs. Format of the recommendation report: Her we use report format, not memo or letter format. And important thing, here is, that we have make sure of using headings and number the pages of the report. The length will vary based on the number of headings, the size and number of visuals, and other design features. Contents of recommendation report: ? Introduction of report: The opening of this report should be interesting so that it actually represents what it follows. ? Methods of report: We have to explain all the gathered data so that its primary purpose was to understand the background of the problem, not to get solutions. ? Summary of the secondary research: Here we have to consider what has been done before to address that problem, and to recommend solutions. ? Analysis of Survey Findings: This section is important due to its survey factor because here we define the findings obtained from the primary and secondary research. ? Feedback: We conclude from the gathered data and implement to solve the problem. ? Recommendations: Recommendation shows that how readers can transform their particular action into actions. ? Closing: Goodwill tone is much important and must be closed in form of solving the problem. Short reports format: Short report formats are the design of the report that defines which contents of the reports are included and which contents are described more or not. Simply the format of a report shows the outline of a whole report either of short or long. There are different formats of the short reports which are as follows, but here we have to define three of them only: †¢ Letter format †¢ Memo format †¢ Report format †¢ Prepared forms 1. Letter Format: The reports in the forms of letter are known as the letter format reports. These formats are normally used when writers have to send information to outsiders in informal form. Means these reports are used to present information to person outside the organization. For writing a report in a letter format these instructions can be followed: †¢ We write the name and organization information in the upper left corner of the page with date. Under these three things you have to write the name of the recipient and his title and company address. †¢ After writing salutation we present the information about the important contents of the report. †¢ Then give reason why we are writing a report. Here we need more information to clarify our readers about the report. †¢ In the end provide the conclusion and recommendation. †¢ Friendly closing is also necessary. So use those words which create the goodwill. †¢ And write name below the four lines after closing with signatures. 2. Memo Format: These formats are normally used when writers have to send information within the organization. Means these reports are used to present information to person inside the organization. A memo is used to persuade people to take some action or to give feedback on a specific matter. Word â€Å"Memo† is also called as â€Å"memorandum†. Memo can be formal and informal as well. Memo is written in a very simple tone that easy to understand. Memo must be short and specific. In memo the following things are important to note: †¢ Try to identify the audience to whom we are writing. †¢ Write the name of sender and receiver in a memo. †¢ Purpose of writing a memo must be given with the subject. †¢ Give suggestions for the help of readers. †¢ Present the recommendation with some arguments. †¢ Closing with creation of goodwill. 3. Short report format: Short reports formats are used to give some particular information and also have different reasons and purposes of writing in terms of managers and employees. So the contents of the short reports are: Write the title of the report very first †¢ Mention the name of that person to whom we are writing †¢ Mention the name who is writing †¢ Mention the date also †¢ Short reports include terms of references which show basically the main contents of the reports. †¢ Define the methodology of the report †¢ Conclusion shows the overview of the whole report. †¢ And in the end we present the recommendations to take actions if necessary. References: www. google. com www. osun. org www. scribd. com www. wikihow. org ——————————————————— Business Communication Business Communication Md. Tarikul Islam Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Topics Today q Topics Today u Course Outline  §  §  §  § Course introduction Topics included in the course Evaluation method What to expect and how to be prepared u Start of the course, if time allows  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course q Welcome!! u To the Course-Business Communication o? Course code: EMBA 501 o? To the students of EMBA Program o? This is a three credit course where one learns about  § Basics of communication  § Tools in communication o? For class schedule contact EMBA Coordination office  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Studying Communication means u Studying communication has three parts o? Theory o? Applying theories in real life o? Feedback on application mentioned above u Therefore we shall o? First study the theory o? Then would know how to use the theories in real life o? Finally we shall check the applications for effectiveness and efficiency  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Scope q Scope o? This course is about learning fundamentals of communications and then communicating effectively and efficiently with the available tools in communications  § Therefore the course starts with the learning about communications followed by the lear ning and applications of communication tools available in place  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Book q Recommended Book o? We shall follow the book Business Communication by Lesikar  § Buy the latest edition o? Any other materials will be provided in due time  § Please remember that it would be more beneficial to go through more than one book  § Almost all the communication books are more or less on same issues  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Contents No Topics 01 Basics of communication 02 Introduction to communication, types of 03 Verbal Communication 04 Culture and communication 05 Non verbal communication 06 Technology and communication 07 General letters and job related letters 08 Curriculum vitae 09 Memorandum 10 Long formal business report 11 Research proposal communication, mediums of communication Contents are subject to change http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/  © Islam, M. T. The Course: Evaluation q Evaluation u There are two evaluations o? One by students and o? One by the course teacher u Evaluation by course teacher o? Final exam for 40 marks o? Continuous Assessment (CA) for 60 marks including class presence  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Final Exam (40 marks) q Final Exam u A comprehensive exam at the end of the semester o? Having 40 marks of value  § You should be prepared for the conceptual question in most cases  § Direct question would be the minimum or rare case u Questions in the final exam mainly will check o? Your overall understandings of the course o? Whether you are able to interpret the theories or not o? Whether you can create something new or not  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA (60 marks) q Continuous Assessment u Combination of o? Class works, homework, assignments, presentations, case study, viva etc. o? Exams  § Both quiz and class tests  § Either announced or unannounced  § Don’t miss as there won’t be any customization u Weights o? There won’t be any weights to any evaluation criteria. All will be converted into sixty. Final exam marks would be added to CA marks to decide on your grade in the course o? Remember there is no best of  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA Details u CA Details o? Assignment: You would need to prove  § You can write letter properly  § You are familiar with different aspects of reports  § You know about memorandum o? Presentations  § You would be required to prove that you are familiar with the different aspects of presentations and you can apply them in real life  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA Details u CA Details o? Report writing as the final part  § Build up groups according to directions  § Write a long formal business report  § Almost at the end of semester your group will present  § Others will evaluate you including question and answer sessions  § Participation by all is mandatory and beneficial!!!  § Make sure you are NOT a sleeping member!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Sleeping Member u Sleeping Member o? Never and ever be a sleeping member o? You will be traced out and your grade will be severely damaged o? How?  § On any of the works like assignments, presentations etc. you will be evaluated individually even though you work in the group  § In time of evaluation if you fail to prove yourself, it would not matter how good you have been working in the group, you will not score maximum!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Group Formation Directions q Group formation directions u Form a group o? Of five members each o? Group number will be decided by me o? Each group would have a group leader and one female member at least! o? Submit the list within the next class! o? Once the list is given, it would be treated as final one. Anyone not included in the list will form a single member group and will be evaluated for 80% marks i. e. (60*40%)*80% For what o? Can be for assignment, presentation, viva, case study, article reading, term paper etc. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/  © Islam, M. T. Evaluation: Group Works q Group Works u You work in group but will be evaluated individually; therefore you have the chance to prove yourself to advance your grade! u However, what would be seen whe n you work in group is†¦ o? You accumulate all the possibilities at maximum o? You have a mentionable group chemistry o? Don t try to be a leader by yourself o? Rather try to be a spontaneous leader! o? By the way what is group work and why to work in group?  © Islam, M. T. ttp://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Report Theme u What to write about? o? Theme of the report  § You want to introduce a new venture in your area. Before you take the final decision you like to check the different aspects of the proposed venture. Write a formal report about those different aspects following the formalities in report writing. o? You can include whatever you want based on your imagination or the real life facts o? You will be graded based on your communication capability and your compliance with the report writing formalities!  § We shall discuss different formalities of report throughout the course Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Some Point s to Mind! q Some Points to Mind o? In group works you will be graded individually, but your group chemistry contributes to your earnings o? Never be a sleeping member o? In case of presentation  § Quality of the presenter  § Quality of the presentation  § Quality of the presentation content  § Quality of the group works†¦. ALL WILL BE CONSIDERED o? There is a probability that all group works will be followed by either viva or presentation; be ready for that! o? Each group will present one topic of the course; will be detailed later on! Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation Summary†¦. q To mind for evaluation o? There would be no best of o? All would be converted in to 60 o? There is special treatment for class presence o? Honesty is extremely expected and dishonesty will be severely penalized  § In case of dishonesty you will be informed and your answer script will not be evaluated! o? You MUST prove yourself or your group; make me feel that you deserve the marks  § I would expect higher level maturity, integrity, creativity, and professionalism in all of your works!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Class Presence+/Participation u Not class presence but class participation  § I might assign some marks for the participation and presence in class depending on the situation  § Maximum five marks would be given for this purpose  § Be in class in time if you don’t want to miss the class  § Late coming is strongly discouraged  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Grading Scale q Grading Scale o? Grading  § Unless otherwise specified the grading policy is according to the UGC rules  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Teaching Method: Overall Approach q Overall Approach Approach o? Always we-we with win-win solution rater than I-we approach u Evaluation o? I never believe in the memorizing and vomiting in the exam o? You have a head up your shoulder; you have to use that o? I want something original for you; at the end of the course that would be the sole benefit for you and me o? Most importantly I want an honest and disciplined manner  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Teaching Method: Contact q Contact u In the class o? You can stop me at any time in the class o? Please keep asking as long as you are not fully satisfied with a topic u Outside class ? Mail me at [email  protected] com o? I strongly suggest this one as I am pretty regular in mail; please don t expect answer of your problem over cell or instantly u Course related communication o? At http://sites. google. com/site/kjcourses/  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Brief Summary q Brief Summary o? The course  § EMBA 501: Business Communication  § Three credit hour course o? Evaluation  § Continuous assessment of 60 marks  § Final exam of 40 marks o? Recommended book  § Business Communication by Lesikar, latest edition preffered o? Course Related communication  § At http://sites. google. com/site/kjcourses/  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Use your head! q Start thinking u What is very important is o? Use your head o? Don t bother about the head of Mr. Lesikar o? Use your head from the point where Lesikar stopped  § To become innovative  § To become successful  § To have or to secure an open mind  § Most specifically to earn good grade in the exam!!  § I never believe in memorizing and vomiting in the exam!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Any Question? u Coming up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. o? Course contents o? Basics of communication  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Contents No Topics 01 Basics of communication 02 Introduction to communication, types of 03 Verbal Communication 04 Culture and communication 05 Non verbal communication 06 Technology and communication 07 General letters and job related letters 08 Curriculum vitae 09 Memorandum 10 Long formal business report 11 Research proposal communication, mediums of communication Contents are subject to change http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/  © Islam, M. T. Course Contents u Basics of communication  §  §  § Defining communication Types of communication Why to read communication at all? Actors in communication u Verbal communication  § Informal oral communication  § Formal oral communication  § Technology in the oral communication  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents u Cross cultural communication o? Difference in culture à ‚ § What is culture?  § What are the various dimensions of culture?  § How culture can influence the communication? u Non verbal communication  § Types  § Creativity in communication  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents u Letters and memorandum  §  §  §  § Introduction to memorandum How to write memorandum Introduction to letters How to write formal letter  »? Job related letters u Long Formal Business Report  § Report writing  § Different aspects of report writing  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents u Curriculum Vitae  § CV and Resume  § Writing CV and resume u Research Proposal  § Various elements of research proposal  § How to write a research proposal  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents: Presentation u Presentation  § One/two group presentation(s) would be followed by after the completion of each topic.  § After the formation of group we shall fix who presents what  § What you do is†¦  »? You prepare slides  »? You simply summarize the topic  »? Others question you  »? But you don t present or copy my slides!!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Something missing? u Yes, its WRITING o? This is one of the most important aspects of communication o? Because of the greater importance of the topic we shall not study this as one single topic o? Rather we shall talk about writing throughout the whole course under various topics o? Try to grab any materials on writing from any source for the betterment of you!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Any Question? u Coming up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. o? Basics of communication  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Basics of  © Islam, M. T. Communication http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Basics of communication q Contents of the topic o? What is communication? o? Different aspects of communication  § Actors/components in the process  § Mediums  § Methods  § Constraints etc. o? Why communication to read formally? o? Communication in the business place o? Summarizing the topic!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ No me-you, always we-we!! Speak up! Try to communicate in the class! Your participation will be counted!!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ What is communication? What does communication mean to you? Any idea?  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ De? ning communication u Communication defined o? Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts and feelings understood by the people we are communicating with u Components in communication process o? Message sender o? Message receiver o? Message itself o? Medium o? Method o? Noise etc.  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Key features in communication u Communication is successful when the message is received as the same one that has been sent  § Therefore understanding is the key element u It s a both way process which is continuous  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Methods of communication q Methods in communication o? Verbal o? Written o? Electronic o? Audio o? Visual o? Meetings o? Notice board o? Text!!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Mediums of communication q Mediums in communication o? Letters o? Memo o? Reports o? Fax o? Telephone o? Email o? o? o? o? o? Notice board Internet Video/video conferencing Body language Face to face  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Which medium to use? q Available mediums o? Letters o? Memo o? Reports o? Fax o? Telephone o? Email o? Notice board o? Internet o? V i d e o / v i d e o conferencing o? Body language o? Face to face q Choice of medium is affected by u Need for record u Direction of the information flow u Number of people to be reached u Confidentiality u Nature of the informationlength, complexity, emergency need u Cost of the medium etc.  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why communication fails? u Did any of your communication failed? u How did that happen to you? Was that just miscommunication or lack of understanding?  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Constraints to successful communication q Internal o? Fatigue o? Poor listening skills o? Poor communication skills o? Attitude toward the sender or information o? Mistrust o? Fear o? Past experience o? Halo effect o? Perception  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Constraints to successful communication q External o? Noise o? Distractions o? Technical problems (email, internet, phone service) o? Time o? Environment  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why to read communication? u Information is power and basis for almost all success stories o? But†¦..  § Information gathering and processing matters; demand learning of communication  § Communication skills helps one to  »? Gather and process information properly and in time  »? Solve problem easily through improved decision making  »? Work in a team effectively and efficiently  § Information must be communicated in a proper way; so  »? Communication capability works  »? Communication in professional life requires something different than the usual communication practice  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why to read communication? q Careers in communication o? In Bangladesh still a narrow one and not recognized yet! o? But in developed part of the globe quite recognized! o? Because of specialization practice a good prospect is waiting ahead!!  § Examples include customer service, tourism, government administration, advertising, media, and event management etc.  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in business q Business Communication ? Transferring information from one part of the business to another that leads to some outcome, changed behaviour or changed practice  § It can be formal or informal, upward or downward  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in business Finance Dept Change in payment systems E-mail Sender or Instigator Channel Medium Feedback Rece iver  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Types of communication u Communication can be of different types considering the situation. Some of them are here  § Formal and informal  § Upward and downward  § Internal and external u However we are basically concerned of the overall classification of communications  § Verbal: presentation, audio, voice message, face to face etc.  § Non verbal: written, letter, memorandum, report, email, fax etc.  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Barriers to successful communication in business q Barriers to Successful Communication o? Ability of the sender – how much the sender understands of the message they are trying to send o? Content – including technicalities and jargon o? Method of communication – including style and body language where appropriate! o? Skills and attitude of the receiver o? Organisational factors – complexity of the organisation, scope of the organisation o? Cultural attitudes o? Perceptions, prejudices and stereotypes o? Inappropriate target for the message o? Technical capabilities – ICT!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication @  © Islam, M. T. Workplace http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Workplace Communication u By workplace communication we actually mean business communication o? Business communication  § Transferring information from one part of the business to another that leads to some outcome, changed behaviour or changed practice  § It can be formal or informal, upward or downward  § Scope of the business communication includes all the business activities corporations involve themselves  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in the workplace u Importance of communication  § Business needs it extensively because of expanding need of coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency  § Specialization has made the field of communication a recognized one!  § But unfortunately most people don t communicate well!!! u Coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency  § Think about Unilever  § Information flows in the company Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Major forms of business communication q Two major types of communication in workplace u Operational o? According to operational plan, to attain some goals or to handle some situations to convert them in favor! o? Again two types are here  § Internal operational communication  »? Communication among the people i nside an organization  »? To perform the main business activities  »? These are kind of routine business activities like instructions from the teammates  »? Computer and intranet are two major technology being used!  § External operational communication ? Communication with the people that are outside of the organization  »? It helps company to develop a better image  »? Communication with suppliers, public relations activities etc.  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Major forms of business communication u Personal o? Not according to operational plan, simple one to one or one to many communication in an organization  § Examples can be personal communication, gossiping, joking, story telling, communication sitting at the company dining room etc. o? Can be an outstanding source of innovation!  § Innovation  »? What and why?  »? What are the alternatives in case you can’t innovate? o? Will you allow this kind of communication while it costs you?  § Does it cost? How? How much?  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication networks in organizations u Formal network  § A simplified form of information flow network transmits information in all directions (upward, downward, and lateral)  § These flow is defined formally u Informal network  § A quite complex information flow network mainly based on personal communication  § This is affected by individual s involvement and membership in various groups and entities  © Islam, M. T. ttp://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Upward/downward/lateral communication u Upward communication  § Communication that originate from the bottom of the organization and heading to top of the organization u Downward communication  § Communication heading to the bottom of the organization after being originated at the top u Lateral communica tion  § This is the communication in between people in the same level or group  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ A situation to react ! q Some organizations are quite central in decision making. All the decisions are coming from the top of the organization o? Does that mean that in those organizations there are not upward communication? o? If there are any kind of upward communication in those organizations, would there be any difference in decision making? o? Are there any difference at all in between communication and decision making?  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ How much to communicate? q Does all the sender send full message? u Unfortunately NO o? What do you do when you communicate?  § You communicate fully? Why or why not? o? What does the companies do in Bangladesh? Give some examples! o? How much a company should disclose?  § Can a company disclose all at a certain time? o? Remember the negative effects of incomplete message is sometime dangerous  § Also mark the gap between ‘company can’t disclose’ and ‘company does not disclose’  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication process u Sender sends the message  § Sender prepares the message and decides on the methods and mediums  § He/she sends the message u Message in the sensory world  § Once the message is sent, its in the world of lots of other messages along with noises  § Messages waits to be detected  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication process u Message is detected o? Receiver detects the message o? Based on the ability to decode receiver decodes the message o? How much of the original message will be detected depends on lots of factors including  § Noise  § Past experiences  § Knowledge  § Perceptions, prejudices, stereotyping o? The message may not get the original shape!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication process u Giving meaning to the message  § Receiver gives meaning to the received message  § Once again it depends how he/she will give meaning to the message! u Reply is sent  § Receiver replies to the sender  § This is called feedback which makes the whole process continuous  § But not necessarily reply is always sent!  »? How would you feel in that case?  »? Why feedback is so important? o? The process continues  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Oral vs Written communication q Oral vs Written  § Written communication is likely to include more creative efforts  § Written communication is normally lengthier than the oral communication  § Written communication usually involves a limited number of cycles  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Some facts of communication Meanings sent are not always received  § No two minds have identical filters  § But closer the meaning more success are gained  § What can you do to bring the more synergy? u Meaning is in the mind  § Meaning comes up from mind rather than words or symbols used  § What to do? u The symbols of communication are imperfect  § Symb ols don’t have unique meanings  § Meaning of symbols varies to receiver; nodding  § Across culture symbols have different meanings  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ q Thank You! q Any Question?!  © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Business Communication The company started the operations for the year 2008-09 on a very positive note and later registered negative growth in the last quarters of the year. The company suffered major losses in the year and approached the bank for additional term loan of three crores and fifty lakhs. The trial production of the new perfume is successfully completed and commercial production will commence as early as possible this year Mr. Riktesh Khanna ,the Quality manager will not be able to review the performance of the product trails before the launch of the product . According to marketing head of south india the unanimity of the current forecasts is not an incontrovertible evidence of impending business acceleration . The survey stating the ambiguous nature of the market is another reason, which calls for another look at the new product launch and appears that the product has to be postponed indefinitely. The company conducted a review meeting for the workers who are on strike for the last three months , the HR manager decided that the management should take a sympathetic and linient action on the workers and those who did not attend the meeting will be dealt seriously according to IAC 37,inorder to maintain the sanctity of office and uphold the hoary traditions . Theapprehensions faced by the workers during the strike period are that they are not able to set realistic goalsand arrive at rational and reasonable decisions in terms of wages and benefits offered by the company. This is because workers have minimal exposure to outside world and more external influences. while the other reasons are frustration and stress to the workers and their family, incorrect self appraisal ,negative feedback by the representatives of trade union. HR manager should appoint counsellors to orient them to companys’ policies and ethos and should allocate sufficient funds for this purpose. The project report on the new project was due yesterday. Since the completion of the report is very important for our organisation to achieve the strategic plan by launching the product successfully. Submit the report before 5 pm tomorrow. Business Communication The company started the operations for the year 2008-09 on a very positive note and later registered negative growth in the last quarters of the year. The company suffered major losses in the year and approached the bank for additional term loan of three crores and fifty lakhs. The trial production of the new perfume is successfully completed and commercial production will commence as early as possible this year Mr. Riktesh Khanna ,the Quality manager will not be able to review the performance of the product trails before the launch of the product . According to marketing head of south india the unanimity of the current forecasts is not an incontrovertible evidence of impending business acceleration . The survey stating the ambiguous nature of the market is another reason, which calls for another look at the new product launch and appears that the product has to be postponed indefinitely. The company conducted a review meeting for the workers who are on strike for the last three months , the HR manager decided that the management should take a sympathetic and linient action on the workers and those who did not attend the meeting will be dealt seriously according to IAC 37,inorder to maintain the sanctity of office and uphold the hoary traditions . Theapprehensions faced by the workers during the strike period are that they are not able to set realistic goalsand arrive at rational and reasonable decisions in terms of wages and benefits offered by the company. This is because workers have minimal exposure to outside world and more external influences. while the other reasons are frustration and stress to the workers and their family, incorrect self appraisal ,negative feedback by the representatives of trade union. HR manager should appoint counsellors to orient them to companys’ policies and ethos and should allocate sufficient funds for this purpose. The project report on the new project was due yesterday. Since the completion of the report is very important for our organisation to achieve the strategic plan by launching the product successfully. Submit the report before 5 pm tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hobbit to Hero: Transformation of Bilbo Baggins Essay

In the beginning of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Gandalf, a supporting character, describes Bilbo, the protagonist, as a great thief and the perfect member a team of dwarves require for their expedition. During the start of their adventure we see that Bilbo is not very keen on going, but as he embarks on these adventures, he gradually begins to rely on his own abilities and starts to take initiative. In The Hobbit, the protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, changes from a mere thieving hobbit to an admired hero by stepping out of his comfort zone, the strength and bravery Gandalf sees in him, and through the trials he overcomes. Hobbits are laid back, easy going, love peace and quiet, like to live in comfort and are inclined to be fat. Bilbo Baggins had all of these traits and qualities, being a hobbit, but being a Baggins also made him predictable, â€Å"†¦. you could tell what a Baggins would say on any question without the bother of asking him.† (p2). Bilbo’s mother, Belladonna Took; being a Took meant she was adventurous and did unhobbit-like things. Even with his mother’s Took blood present in him, he chose to stay home; which he’d rather do anyways, but upon the arrival of the dwarves and Gandalf, Bilbo finds something that stirs up in him and is convinced to go on the great quest. By going on such an adventure, Bilbo was going against typical hobbit behavior, in doing so, upon his arrival home his hobbit neighbors and friends lost respect for him. Knowing that Bilbo was the ‘man for the job’, Gandalf encouraged him to join him in their quest for Thorin’s gold. Even though Bilbo was just a simple hobbit, Gandalf knew that he had Took blood in him, and that he longed for adventures, so he was sure that Bilbo would be a great adventurer. The dwarves and Bilbo doubted Gandalf, but he knew that Bilbo was needed. Gandalf thought that they would doubt him, and that Bilbo would doubt himself, but he assured them that he was the one needed, â€Å"There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea about himself.† (p19). With Gandalf’s encouragement, even with the dwarf’s doubt and Bilbo’s in himself, he goes on the expedition in search of these qualities that are seen in him. Bilbo overcomes the obstacles in his path throughout the adventure by taking initiative and by displaying leadership. When Bilbo makes a reluctant attempt at taking a troll’s wallet, he displays the beginning of his transformation from a simple hobbit into a Tookish adventurer. After Bilbo slays a spider, he displays his hidden courage and bravery that has been in him this all along. Naming his sword after killing the spider is a major turning point in his conversion into a hero; since in ancient epic literature a named sword is a sign of bravery and heroism. Bilbo finally begins to see himself as a hero when he is speaking face to face with the great dragon Smaug, as he begins to create a name for himself, â€Å"†¦ I am he that walks unseen†¦ I am the clue finder†¦ I am the Ringwinnner†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p152). This would have been a difficult task for anyone, as everyone feared the dragon for one reason or another. As we see Bilbo went against traditional hobbit ways, but became better for it as he discovered hidden qualities in himself that made him a better hobbit. He became a hero and a leader by facing the challenges bestowed upon him head on. Even though he may have lost the respect of his fellow hobbits, due to his new Tookish nature, he has gained the title of a hero throughout the land. Bibliography Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989. Print. Tolkien, J.R.R. â€Å"Fellowship of The Ring.† PDF file. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Hobbit.† SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 17 Oct. 2012.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay

buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay Motivation is the answer to such questions as 'Why do you go to school?', 'Why do you perform a certain activity', etc. In general, motivation is defined as a motive that drives us towards a certain goal. It might be an interest, desire, need or want, which actually is so strong that it can direct the person towards a certain move and affect the thinking, cognitive processes and behavior (Cherry, 2014). The researchers stress that motivation has several effects on the processes of thinking and learning, as well as on the way we behave (Ormrod, 2014). First of all, if we are motivated, then we are directed to a certain kind of goal. According to the social cognitive theorists, it is inherent in humans to set goals and then take steps towards reaching them. Each goal has an intrinsic power, which is motivation. The stronger motivation is, the better results will be. It affects choices we made and the way we think and eventually act. Secondly, motivation is in charge of the increased rates of energy and efforts. Motivation indeed affects the amount of energy applied to the activities that are directly related to the goals once set. The enthusiastic pursuit of a task is normal for motivated people. Thirdly, if a person is motivated, then he or she is persistent. Such a person does not take 'no' as an answer and always reaches the goals set. For example, the people who are motivated at the beginning of the executing the order actually want to do the task. Thus, it does not make them tired or exhausted. Instead, it inspires them to new activities. The same applies to the thinking process. It seems that motivation gives people the keys to all secrets of knowledge. In case the person faces any obstacle, he or she continues the search until answer is found. Speaking about thinking, one should remember that any cognitive process is affected by motivation as well. It is the motivation that stands behind the choices we make regarding the things we need to pay attention to or the overall effectiveness of the learning that we want to achieve in the end. The learners who are motivated are usually more persistent in their endeavors to understand the material and to learn it more deeply (Ormrod, 2014). Finally, motivation is the reason for enhanced performance. It is mainly due to the combination of elements discussed above: persistence, energy, goal-oriented behavior, etc. All of it eventually leads to increased performance. Needless to say that unlike the motivation, the concept of emotion is hard to explain. It is even harder to understand. Those who have attempted to explain the term 'emotion' define it as a complex reaction to a certain event both external and internal, which involves the expression of the face, changes in behavior and psychology, cognition, etc. Emotions could serve as protection from danger. For example, when a person fears something, he or she is more likely to avoid the source of the fear or confront it once more. If we experience anger, then we are usually ready to encounter the source that irritates us. Emotions is the necessary adaptation that has been used through the human history and that helps us thrive, survive and avoid any kind of danger. The emotions actually move us. They act as energizers as they occur after specific chemical signals that have been sent to the muscles. The only thing that emotions do not affect in human behavior is habit. We usually do not look twice before sitting down on a sofa, and we do not think twice before we tie shoes. Emotions could be motivating or non-motivating i.e. inspiring (or not) as for the move and approach to something or in terms of avoiding something. Buy custom Motivation and Emotion essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Stay on the Job Hunt, Even When Youre Not Hunting

How to Stay on the Job Hunt, Even When Youre Not Hunting Looking for a new job while still employed in another makes you more employable; however, it can backfire if your current employer finds out. Workers have various reasons to continue the job search. Perhaps your current job is too far away from where you live and commuting costs are pecking away at your salary, perhaps your salary is on the low side for your job description or maybe you want to work your way up the ladder faster. Whatever the reason, job hunting while employed is common. A few tips on how to do it can help. 1. Keep Quiet About Your Job SearchIf you are looking at job ads for a new position, don’t tellyour co-workers. That’s the fastest way for word to get around and eventually your boss will hear about it. Although some employers don’t care if an employee is wanting to change jobs, the knowledge of it can keep you from getting pay raises or responsibilities that you want.2. Don’t Quit Your JobIt’s easier to get a new job if you are already working. In addition, don’t get lazy in your current job because you are hoping to get a new one. You still owe your current employer a good day’s work for your pay.3. Think Before You List Character ReferencesWhile your first inclination may be to include your current boss or co-workers as references on your job application, don’t do it. Obviously, if you get called for an interview and the hiring manager calls your references, everyone in the office will know you are job hunting. Surprisingly enough, many of those seeking a new job don’t think to leave these references out of their resumes.4. Don’t Bad Mouth Your BossYour current boss may not be all sweetness and light, but bad mouthing your employer is always a bad idea. It may give recruiters the impression that you are a complainer or difficult to get along with. Focus on your qualifications for the job application and the good opportunity it offers for your advancement.5. Scheduling J ob InterviewsHours when you are supposed to be at work are not the times to schedule job interviews. Missing work hours can make your boss suspicious and does not look good to other employees. In addition, it looks odd if your office dress is casual, and you show up for work dressed up for an interview. Instead, schedule interviews outside of office hours or on weekends when you aren’t at work.This is another no-no when searching for a job while still employed. People who have Facebook or other social media accounts often have friends in the same office. Those friends also have friends who may learn of your job search activities through social media. Job boards are the same problem. Since posting your resume or interest in other jobs on these sites could end up with you pounding the pavement looking for work, keep your job search private.6.  Don’t Use Office EquipmentDon’t use office equipment, such as phones, computers and fax machines, to conduct a job searc h or send in resumes. First of all, many companies monitor use of their machines to ensure that employees are not spending company time on personal affairs. Second, you are actually supposed to be working, so keep your mind on the business at hand.There are easier ways to find a new job, no matter what the field, whether healthcare jobs, computer jobs or other types. TheJobNetwork makes it easy and does the searching for you. All you have to do is list your qualifications and the type of job you are looking for, and we do the rest. When appropriate jobs pop up, you receive an email when you sign up for job match alert. This way, you will be among the first to apply for those jobs, and opportunities will no longer slip by.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

House-Sitting Puts Ink in the Travel Writers Pen

House-Sitting Puts Ink in the Travel Writers Pen Staying for extended stretches in exotic and culturally rich places for free? Then being paid for pieces you’ve written about your stay? Sounds unreal, but the reality is anything but: over the past several years I’ve spent one- to two-month periods in Hawaii, Mexico, Panama, the Bahamas and St. Vincent and the Grenadines with my sweetheart Alice, without paying a cent for lodging. With some careful prep, and an open eye and mind for stories when you get there, you can set yourself up for exciting travel- and even some green from writing about that excitement. Finding the Opportunities For the past few years,  has been our house-sitting site of choice. The site provides descriptions and photos of the properties, dates and length of stays, and what the homeowner wants you to do in exchange for staying at their home. MindMyHouse emails listings almost daily, and they are truly from all over the world. Some owners want you to do things like manage multiple Airbnbs or groom their herd of buffalo, but most of them want someone to take care of pets, water plants and keep the house secure. The Net, Cast Wide To be doable, you have to have work that allows you to leave your house for relatively long stretches of time. The Internet has opened the floodgates for such â€Å"solopreneurs.† Both Alice and I have been freelancing out of our home for years. Of course, house-sitting means someone probably has to take care of your home as well. We have a cat who needs attention, as well as a garden, and we’ve found house-sitters on MindMyHouse who have done fine jobs. We wrote a small manual of the idiosyncrasies of our house so that there aren’t any surprises and have made sure the bills are set up to be paid in advance. One sour surprise is when the Internet is spotty in the house-sit home, or worse, out for days at a time. That’s happened to us in the Bahamas, and that didn’t help with some deadlines. However, that does allow for time to engage in travel writing. Look for Angles, Before, During and After Look for story angles in advance to see if there’s any editor interest. I pitched stories about biking to the lava flow on the Big Island and on things to do in Hilo before we spent time there, and later had the pieces published in the Los Angeles Times and the San Jose Mercury News. At the same time, it’s smart- and fun- to be open to story ideas that crop up. When we stayed in the Grenadine Islands, we found out that there’s a rum distillery on St. Vincent and took a private tour there. Haven’t placed that story yet, but I did place a fun one on looking for whiskey on an island of rum. Always have your camera at the ready when you’re out and about, as you’re likely to find sights for your lenses that most short-visit tourists wouldn’t. And I never travel without a notepad, making sure to type up my scrawled notes about people, places and things within a day or two of scrawling them, when my memory is fresh. Your Office Is the World Even if you have to take care of ill or psychologically-damaged pets (a couple of times for us), or a psychologically-damaged owner (once, and that was enough), the opportunities for travel writing as a house-sitter are deep. House-sitting puts you in a great position to see splendid sights- and then set them on the paying page.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Risk Management - Essay Example on the definition of an organization’s objectives, specification of possible risks to the business, identifying specific risks to each objective and specification of a tool to be used for risk management. One such tool that is used for managing risk in the global business environment is the risk level matrix. The risk level matrix is a matrix that identifies each possible risk to the organization’s objectives and classifies it in terms of consequences and likelihood of occurrence (Hopkin, 2010). The risk level matrix helps the organization determine the level of concern for each risk, where common levels of concern include catastrophic, major, moderate, minor and insignificant. Once the levels of concern have been identified, the organization can then implement preventive or mitigation strategies for the identified risks. This risk management tool is an effective tool in the face of uncertainty in the global economic environment. The risk level matrix helps the organization analyze all possible risk types and prepare an advance plan in case the risk comes to pass (Hopkin, 2010). Other risk management tools do not give the organization the ability to plan ahead for the risks that they might

Friday, October 18, 2019

Consumer Behaviour- Redbull Case Study questions

Consumer Behaviour- Redbull questions - Case Study Example Through the marketing strategy of employing thrill into the advertisements, the company targets the young generation to consume the drink as a supplement to the adrenaline inducing sports. Such market segmentation has allowed the company to merge its natural consumer base with its targeted market. In the future, Red Bull’s most beneficial marketing strategy would be to segment the market based on consumers and innovation specifically rather than brute sponsorship based advertisement. Targeting a behavioural segment that is divided in to the groups of those who regularly, for example, go to gym or those that work in tough environments in the same age limits; it would be wiser, as per Walker’s (2006) research, to spend more marketing funds on those who are behaving in a more favourable way to consume the product. For example a 20 year old who goes to gym is more open to Red Bull’s advertisements than a 20 year old who works in a print shop. By specifically targetin g behaviour based market segments, Red Bull’s future marketing can further be optimized in line with the company’s current policy without interfering with other policies like those of thrill based advertisement. ... Starting from distributing free cases of the energy drink at gyms, schools and different buildings where they could find their consumer base, the Red Bull started with a viral advertising policy. The success of the viral advertisement resulted in rapid growth in sales. The motivations of consumers were based on their own needs, or their own needs as shown by the company. The need to re energize at work, gym, construction sites and other advertised areas has shown to be a consumer need by the Red Bull and often the Red Bull consumers are compared with non consumers in advertisements. The comparison often either implies the lack of energy in the individual and the inability to perform properly without re energizing or shows extra abilities in the individual consuming the product. The moto â€Å"No Red Bull, No Wings† clearly backs up this concept. Furthermore, by sponsoring highly thrilling race competitions, both on air and ground, the motivation to use the product is further a roused in the consumer base, both psychologically and as a way to try the product for the new consumers by creating a ‘buzz’. Describe the Brand Personality of Red Bull. Why do you think the concept of brand personality is so important to Red Bull? Being an energy drink aimed at the youth, Red Bull has developed a bold brand personality of a strong bull as depicted by its logo. The brand personality of the energy drink implies the traits of the type of boost it claims to give the consumers; strength, energy, physical resistance, quicker reaction time and improved mood. Giving an emotional character and association to the brand’s image, the company has devised a strategy

Evolution of Management Theory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evolution of Management Theory - Case Study Example Classical theory is essentially a grouping of similar ideas on the management of organizations that developed in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.This theory contains three general branches.Quintessentially, the theory emphasizes on economic rationality of the individual employee at work. The Rational economic view was based on the ideas if the 18th-century economist, Adam Smith. According to this school of thought, people are motivated by economic gains, therefore they key to drive employees was a monetary reward. Another noteworthy development of the classical period was the introduction of scientific management.F W Taylor is known as the father of scientific management. His contribution to the practice of management is widely recognized. Taylor was the first one to introduce a scientific approach to the study and practice of management. The essence of scientific management can be encapsulated in the following four ideas: 1. Each job should be divided into parts and a scientific method for performing each part should be determined. 2. The method of recruiting and training employees should be scientific as well. 3. Co-operation between the workers and management was regarded paramount to achieve a desirable outcome of the tasks performed. 4. Lastly, an emphasis was laid on the idea of division of labor.Managers were to supervise, plan and instruct whereas the workers were expected to carry out the execution part. Further on, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth refined Taylor’s methods. 's methods. They were also pioneers in the field of management and their most important contribution is the time and motion series and emphasis on improving efficency.The components of time and motion series are-break down each action into elements, find better ways to perform it, reoraganize each action to be more efficient. The Gilbreths also studied fatigue problems, lighting, heating and other worker issues. Administrative principles: Another group of classical theorists dealt with the operations of an organization as a whole unlike the aforementioned pioneers who focused mainly on individual workers. The Administrative theorist sought the most optimum way to combine jobs and people into an efficient organization. One of the forerunners of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Two Learning Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Two Learning Theories - Assignment Example Two of these theories are the behaviorist theory and the humanist theory. Behaviorist theory view learning as the product of the stimulus conditions (S) and the responses (R) after the exposure to the stimulus. Due to the relationship between the stimulus and the responses, it is most often referred to as the S-R Model of Learning (Bastable, 2008, p. 54). Proponents of the behaviorist theory believe that behavior can be learned or unlearned by modifying the stimulus in the environment or the responses to the stimulus. This type of learning acquires learning through practical application, requiring less thinking and emotional affectations. Behaviorist theory created a significant impact on education and behavior change through classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was identified by Ivan Pavlov and sometimes referred to as the Pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning (Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 207). In classical conditoining, there is an introduct ion of a neutral stimulus to the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. The neutral stimulus has no connection with the unconditioned stimulus and response. ... 210). On the other hand, humanistic learning theory focuses on the person and emphasized the importance of feelings over thoughts(Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 229). Learning takes place when people are given the chance to express their feelings, making them an active participant in the learning process. The concept of hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow has strengthened the humanistic theory as well as the construct of self-concept by Rogers which identified individual need for unconditional positive self-regard (Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 230). Humanistic theory’smain advantage over other learning theories is its holistic approach and openness in education and health care field. Learning Theories and Nursing Practice Learning theories is crucial to nursing practice. Evidences of interconnection are found between patients and families who wanted to acquire information on how to adjust to a particular medical condition, in students getting hold of information and skills needed to become a nurse, or in health care professionals designing effective teaching plan for patients. All of these demonstrate relationship of learning theories with the nursing practice. Learning theories serve as frameworks for health care professionals on planning learning outcomes.The construction of different learning theories enables the health professionals to understand how the introduction of knowledge can affect an individual’s feeling, thoughts, and behavior. Learning theories were also linked to the health counseling, work organization, and hospital’s management, marketing, and advertising (Bastable, 2008, p. 73). Nurses are often the professionals involved in health education of patients. That is why they always

Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Report - Essay Example findings of leading Canadian organization like Angus Reid Strategies poll, the total number of people supporting legalization of cannabis usage in Canada is much higher than the people who are opposing it. The research, which was mainly conduced among the Canadian adults, especially in the region of British Columbia, has found that, â€Å"65% favored legalizing marijuana as a means of reducing gang violence, while only 35% favored increasing marijuana trafficking penalties.† (Canada: Two-Thirds of British Columbia Voters Favor Legalizing Marijuana, Poll Finds†, 5th August, 2009) Gang violence and other forms of criminal activisms are major concerns both for Canadian administration as well as for common people. Due to this reason some people are of opinion that legalization of marijuana will reduce the youths from indulging into this kind of antisocial activities. On the other hand, others are of opinion that implementation of proper penalties is the only solution to solv e this problem. Legalization of marijuana will only worsen the whole situation. This article by Peter BeckI has also been written in support of marijuana legalization in Canada. Unlike Ian Welsh, the author has not gone into balancing his arguments between economic and socio-moral perspective. It seems that his entire interest lies in the fact that how Canada can become a more economically prosperous nation. As he has found that legalization of Cannabis will help Canadian economy substantially, he accordingly has come up with his logically correct arguments. Canada: Two-Thirds of British Columbia Voters Favor Legalizing Marijuana, Poll Finds. (2009). Drug War Chronicle, Issue #584. Retrieved on October 18, 2009, from This article provides us with quite recent and authentic information about recent Canadian condition on legalization of marijuana. We not only receive adequate information about reaction of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Two Learning Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Two Learning Theories - Assignment Example Two of these theories are the behaviorist theory and the humanist theory. Behaviorist theory view learning as the product of the stimulus conditions (S) and the responses (R) after the exposure to the stimulus. Due to the relationship between the stimulus and the responses, it is most often referred to as the S-R Model of Learning (Bastable, 2008, p. 54). Proponents of the behaviorist theory believe that behavior can be learned or unlearned by modifying the stimulus in the environment or the responses to the stimulus. This type of learning acquires learning through practical application, requiring less thinking and emotional affectations. Behaviorist theory created a significant impact on education and behavior change through classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was identified by Ivan Pavlov and sometimes referred to as the Pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning (Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 207). In classical conditoining, there is an introduct ion of a neutral stimulus to the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. The neutral stimulus has no connection with the unconditioned stimulus and response. ... 210). On the other hand, humanistic learning theory focuses on the person and emphasized the importance of feelings over thoughts(Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 229). Learning takes place when people are given the chance to express their feelings, making them an active participant in the learning process. The concept of hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow has strengthened the humanistic theory as well as the construct of self-concept by Rogers which identified individual need for unconditional positive self-regard (Butts& Rich, 2011, p. 230). Humanistic theory’smain advantage over other learning theories is its holistic approach and openness in education and health care field. Learning Theories and Nursing Practice Learning theories is crucial to nursing practice. Evidences of interconnection are found between patients and families who wanted to acquire information on how to adjust to a particular medical condition, in students getting hold of information and skills needed to become a nurse, or in health care professionals designing effective teaching plan for patients. All of these demonstrate relationship of learning theories with the nursing practice. Learning theories serve as frameworks for health care professionals on planning learning outcomes.The construction of different learning theories enables the health professionals to understand how the introduction of knowledge can affect an individual’s feeling, thoughts, and behavior. Learning theories were also linked to the health counseling, work organization, and hospital’s management, marketing, and advertising (Bastable, 2008, p. 73). Nurses are often the professionals involved in health education of patients. That is why they always

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Audience Analysis and Adaptation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Audience Analysis and Adaptation - Assignment Example However, Mrs Bush shares her experience of coming to Wellesley 10 years back. She identifies with the students by describing how she was struck by the natural beauty of the campus and then tells a story about Wellesley students where she stresses on the spirit of the college. This way she relates with the students. She very wisely talks about human connections and their importance in our lives. She addresses the concerns of the audience by speaking about the success of a family and loving children. Mrs Bush says that she wishes the winner of the annual hoop race to realize her own dreams – not society’s dream – and not just be the first to get married or the first to become a CEO. By speaking in their interest and addressing the issues related to their lives, she defuses the hostility they held against her. If Mrs Bush would have been delivering the speech at some other higher education institute, she would have probably not have stressed too much about her personal life. She would have interacted more with the students so as to relate with them. Infact, she would have highlighted the achievements of the institute and spoken about how she would have loved to be a part of the institute. She would have spoken more about the issues related to nation and society so as to draw their

Monday, October 14, 2019

Basic Plan for Literacy Activities Essay Example for Free

Basic Plan for Literacy Activities Essay The literacy plan is set to teach 5th grader students that need special education. This is primarily a plan for one week lesson in a classroom. The strategy of teaching is mainly composed of Activity (A), Discussion (D), Incorporation (I), Deepening (D), and Synthesis (S) or simply ADIDS. The literacy program or technique will basically start with an activity which will stimulate the senses and awareness of the students with the topic or lesson. The students will be group into teams and compete. This should be a fun game which also details the purpose of the subject. Example is the game â€Å"Pass the Message† which details the subject like Mathematics or basic knowledge on Science and Technology in connection to the topic to be discussed. The next step is to have a brief discussion and introduction to the topic by relating the activity to the subject to be discussed. For the given example above, the importance of knowledge in the basic operations in our daily life and some basic knowledge in Science and Technology should be included with the introduction of the subject to the students. This will primarily enhance and stimulate their awareness with the importance of the course to their daily lives and encourage them to listen and participate with the discussion that was prepared. Next would be the incorporation of the knowledge to be discussed. This will include the teaching of the main subject and the basic operations, providing some examples and analysis of the subject. The next step would be the deepening part which will include some tests that will help the students to practice the knowledge that they have learned in the discussion. This will provide them the skills and help them to retain the knowledge in their minds through deep analysis and understandings. The last process would be the synthesis which will include the familiarization of the processes involve by providing some assignments and brief review of the subject matters that are discussed in the classroom. This would definitely enhance their capacity to develop new techniques and individual skills that will make them be more comprehensive and equipped with the lesson that they have learned in the classroom.